Let us do all of the work and help you find the right farm for your 1031 tax-free exchange.



Chris Martin

IL. Real Estate Broker

IL. Certified General Appraiser

Phone (217) 465-6434

Cell Ph (217) 251-8561

Home (217) 465-4059

Fax (217) 465-6454







                                 1031 Buyer Exchange Program



So you have a 1031 exchange and you want to purchase farmland with your proceeds. The

problem is finding the right piece of property.


We have the solution. Having years of experience working with 1031 exchange buyers we

developed this program specifically for 1031 exchange buyers.


Unlike most buyers, as an exchange buyer has a limited amount of time to located and

negotiate the purchase of the land that they need to meet the terms of the exchange.


Ideally you would like to locate the land several months before your sale and have it under

contract; unfortunately there is often some uncertainty with a close date and most farmland

sellers either don’t fully understand the workings of a 1031 or are not willing to wait.

That makes it very difficulty for the 1031 buyer to located suitable properties, run down

information and drive all around the state viewing properties; all the while continuing to

deal with day-to-day business decisions.


The other big issue is learning about local markets: land prices, land rents, etc.


That’s where we come in, with our Five Step1031 Exchange Buyers Program.


1. We meet with you and determine your needs, desires and goals. (For example, buyer #1

needs to locate 320 acres, prefers unimproved, high quality farmland in a specific area. In

contrast buyer #2, wants a property with buildings).


2. We make a search based on your “Wish List” of all properties available. In doing so, we

also analyze the local area for you. We have current records on land sales in nearly every

Illinois County (except for Cook and surrounding counties).


3. We present you with the results and let you decide what you want to see. We then set up

appointments (as needed) and take you to view the properties. On these visits we discuss the

pro’s and con’s of each farm and let you decide, WITHOUT typical “salesman” pressure.

(My personal theory is that either you like it or you don’t; no pressure!)


4. Once the “right” farm(s) is located we pull together everything and on your behalf

prepare a written offer, and work through all the negotiations and paperwork until the farm

is closed.


5. We add service after the sale with assistance locating prospective tenants, lease options

and terms.